On Sexual Orientation
“Who’s to say that your sexuality cannot change and morph over time, and that you can’t grow accustomed to certain things or be nurtured in a certain direction? I feel like that is totally possible to happen… The people who are arguing specifically on the LGBTQ side will want to say that “sexuality never changes” and “I knew I was gay” or “bi” or “trans” or whatever “from the day I was born, I just had to, you know, discover that about myself,” but I always say leave room for the possibility that your world view and your view on sexuality could be completely wrong and that stands for both sides. Yeah, I’m not going to say that sexuality just never changes. I personally couldn’t say that.” The above statement from the popular conservative YouTuber, Amala Ekpunobi, speaks to the times we are living in. We have regressed to the point that people no longer think that a person is born gay. I do not fault Amala, but this episode speaks to the abject failure of “alphabet s...